Cartofi wedges cu salata de varza/ Potato wedges with cabbage salad


Desi stiu ca e un sacrilegiu sa vorbesc despre aprinderea aragazului in luna lui cuptor (sic!), nu ma pot abtine sa va (re)prezint acest fel de mancare pe care eu il ador, din bucataria fast-food-ista. O alternativa mai sanatoasa pentru cartofii wedges prajiti in baie de ulei dupa care salivezi prin oras este cu siguranta cea in care cartofii noi, necuratati de coaja dar spalati bine si taiati in felii mari, longitudinale, sunt copti la cuptor cu o adiere de ulei de masline si muuuulte condimente parfumate!


Pentru cartofi: 6-8 cartofi noi medii, 2 linguri de ulei de masline, condimente: boia de ardei dulce, chilli, curry, turmeric, usturoi, sare, piper

Pentru salata de varza: 1/2 varza medie, 1 castravete curatat de coaja si seminte, 1/2 ceapa alba taiata julien, 1 mana marar, sare, piper, 2 linguri de ulei de floarea soarelui


1/2 jumatate varza rosie, 1/2 telina, 2 morcovi, ulei si otet dupa gust, 1 lingura de mustar, sare, piper

1. Se spala cartofii, se feliaza si se fierb 5 minute (peste pasul asta puteti sari, dar trebuie sa ii lasati cu 10-15 minute mai mult la cuptor la foc mare). Se scurg bine de apa si se intind in tava sau vasul ceramic in care ii vom coace, intr-un singur strat. Se stropesc cu uleiul de masline si condimentele, dupa dorinta, amestecand bine in asa fel incat toti cartofii sa fie unsi. Se dau la cuptor la foc mare (spre maxim) intre 30-40 min., pana se rumenesc si devin usor crocanti.

2. Pentru salata nu cred ca aveti nevoie de instructiuni. Vreau doar sa precizez ca e mult mai buna cu ulei de floarea soarelui decat de masline, ca urmare vi-l recomand!

Dintr-un Bucuresti torid, pitita la umbra,



One of the reasons why I love this lunchbox idea so much is that it’s dead-easy to do, fast and nourishing. The cabbage salad accompanies the taste of the potatoes so well, especially when I add mustard to it. I do it in no more than 30 minutes: I simply wash, chop and throw the potatoes in the oven for half an hour and while they’re baking I slice all the veggies in the food processor – that’s gotta be about 5 minutes and 2 more minutes to mix in the oil and spices.


For the wedges: 6-8 medium new potatoes, 2 tbs olive oil, spices: sweet paprika, chilli, curry, turmeric, garlic, salt, pepper

For the cabbage salad: 1/2 medium cabbage, 1 peeled and seeded cucumber, 1/2 yellow onion, 1 tbs dill, salt, pepper, 2 tbs sunflower oil


1/2 medium red cabbage, 1 small celeriac, 2 large carrots, 1tsp mustard, 2-3 tbs olive oil, salt, ground black pepper

1. Wash the potatoes, slice them and place on the baking sheet. Pour the oil and the rest of the spices, to taste, mix well and cook for approx. 30 min at gas 7, until they are roasted and slightly crunchy.

2. I don’t think you need instructions for the salad. I just want to make a short note and let you know that the white cabbage tastes better with sunflower oil rather than olive oil.


    • You know what, Atria? Get him a retro lunch box, pack it with healthy bites and send him off to the office: he might even start a fashion in the corporate industry! Next thing you know, he’ll be competing with his colleagues on who brings on the funkiest lunchbox :))) Let me know how that goes :) Hugs, thanks for dropping by!


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